All Things Little House

The Little House series is beloved in our home. My middle daughter especially loves this series. She has loved it since she was very small. My two youngest regularly dress up and pretend they are in a distant time from long ago because of this series. It is not often in this modern world we live in we can find such wholesome things. I am so grateful my children can have this series to learn from.

Most people know about the original book series but when your child has a deep love for the series you search out every possibility. In this post I will be sharing all things Little House that we have found along the way. The very first Little House books we started with were picture books. I read these books aloud many a time! These books are geared toward ages 3 to 8. This series was adapted from the original series.

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My First Little House Books

Little House Chapter Books

When my child started reading chapter books, I found that the original series had been broken down into the following short chapter books. These are intended for ages 7-10. She loved these books.

Original Series

“Now readers young and old can enjoy the classic adventures of Laura and her family as they survive and thrive on the American frontier! The nine Little House books have been cherished by generations of readers as both a unique glimpse into America’s frontier past and a heartwarming, unforgettable story. These slipcased softcovers feature Garth Williams’s beloved original illustrations. Treasured reading for collectors and kids of all ages–especially 8- to 12-year-olds! This set includes the titles: Little House in the Big Woods, Little House on the Prairie, Farmer Boy, On the Banks of Plum Creek, By the Shores of Silver Lake, The Long Winter, Little Town on the Prairie, These Happy Golden Years, and The First Four Years.” (Christian Book)


We listen to audiobooks most anytime we are in the car for 30 minutes or more. We get them from our library either in house or online.

The Martha Years

“Meet the first Little House girl–Laura Ingalls Wilder’s great-grandmother! Written in the classic style of Wilder’s beloved books, this charming story traces the adventures of mischievous Martha Morse, as she grows up in the rolling Scottish hills of the 1780s.

It’s 1788, and six-year-old Martha lives in a little stone house in Glencaraid, Scotland. Martha’s father is Laird Glencaraid, and the life a laird’s daughter is not always easy for a lively girl like Martha. She would rather be running barefoot through fields of heather and listening to magical tales of fairies and other Wee Folk than learning to sew like a proper young lady. But between her dreaded sewing lessons, Martha still finds time to play on the rolling Scottish hills. Recommended for ages 8 to 12.” (Christian Book)

The Charlotte Years

“Meet Charlotte Tucker….the little girl who would grow up to be Laura Ingalls Wilder’s grandmother! It’s 1814 and five-year-old Charlotte lives with her family in the town of Roxbury, near the bustling city of Boston. Charlotte is a brand-new American girl, born just one generation after the United States of America was formed. Life in the Tucker’s little house has always been pleasant and merry; there’s Mama’s garden to tend to, Papa’s blacksmith shop to visit, and lots of brothers and sisters to play with. But Charlotte’s family worries more and more about the war that’s been going on since 1812. Now the British have gone and blockaded Boston harbor, and that means no molasses for supper. Charlotte is just beginning to realize that events happening far away can change things at her very own dinner table. What will the rest of the year bring for Charlotte and the Tucker family? Recommended for ages 8 to 12.” (Christian Book)

The Caroline Years

“It’s 1845 in the bustling frontier town of Brookfield, Wisconsin. Five-year-old Caroline lives in a frame house at the edge of town with her mother, her grandmother, and her five brothers and sisters. Caroline’s father was lost at sea the year before, and the close-knit family is struggling to cope without him. Each day brings Caroline new responsibilities and new adventures as she strives to help Mother all she can. And though this first year on their own also brings Caroline and her family great hardship, they survive with courage and love. Recommended for ages 8 to 12.” (Christian Book)

The Caroline Years Chapter Books

The Rose Years

“Having said “good-bye” to Ma and Pa Ingalls and Laura’s sister, Laura, Almanzo, and Rose make their way across the drought-stricken Midwest to the lush green valleys of southern Missouri. The journey is long and not always easy. But there is so much to do and see along the way. The end of this journey marks a new beginning for the Wilder family: a new home and the promise of hard work, but also of wondrous discoveries and adventures to fill a childhood. Recommended for ages 8 to 12.” (Christian Book)

Fun Books


We really enjoyed this series as a family.

Dress Up

My girls like to dress up and pretend. They have a few prairie style dresses they enjoy using to get in character.

Doll Clothes (18”)

You can even get your dolls in character!

Well there you have it folks! All things Little House! I hope you found some new things to enjoy here!