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Hello! It has been a long time! I want to give you a brief post on sourdough to share the method that I use and easy recipes that I make and have turned out well. If you are intimidated by sourdough and discard and finding time to do it all, this post is for you. If you struggle with digestion and have been wanting to try making sourdough for that reason, this post is also for you. This post isn\u2019t about attaining the perfect rise, or making a beautiful product, but optimal digestion for health purposes as well as making it happen!<\/p>


Souring flours breaks them down to make them more easily digestible. For this reason, if you are making sourdough for the purpose of health, you should choose recipes that are fully fermented. Sourdough has gained much popularity which is great\u2026BUT I encourage you to learn to discern if you are doing it for your health. Some things are labeled sourdough that are just sourdough flavored and not fully fermented. Some are partially fermented, then add in flour at the end that are not given enough time to fully ferment. Our world can be so confusing\u2026so, I am here trying to help you know what to look for and also give you recipes that I have personally used which are fully fermented.<\/p>


This is the other issue. Flours matter if you are doing this for your health. Any flour fermented is better than not\u2026BUT, bleached flour is not as healthy if you are wanting to avoid synthetic chemical processing of your food. Organic is important if you are trying to avoid synthetic pesticides and herbicides in your food. Another thing to think about is genetic modification as well as selective breeding to the point of making flours with such high amounts of gluten, etc, that it is an issue to digest. For these reasons I use organic, whole ground spelt flour. I have used einkorn a long time ago and would also recommend that. I will be trying it again soon.


I use a method which is easier and less maintenance than some. I use a starter which is really a dough kept in the fridge. It requires a little more forethought but has no waste, no discard, and is just so much easier for me. The method is from Elliott Homestead.

Here is the recipe I use. You first make a dough. You can make it yourself or find a friend that has some already started to get 10 grams from. I am sure someone sells it too. I might consider doing that later if someone needs a spelt starter. Feel free to comment and I will consider cost. Otherwise you can go to Elliott Homestead\u2019s website<\/a> to find how to start it from scratch. We are not affiliated.<\/p>


This is what your fridge dough starter will look like.


You take a hunk of this, 30 grams to be exact (I am doubling mine here) and put it in a bowl.


Next you clear your scale and add your water, then roughly mix with a fork.


After breaking up the starter into the water, clear your scale and add your flour. I use spelt for all my recipes currently. If you use a different flour, yours may look different.


Mix well and place in a jar. For a double Levain, I use a quart wide mouth canning jar. Whatever you use should be double the size of the levain for rising space. <\/p>


For the recipe above, the \u201cfridge dough starter\u201d as I call it, will make 2 and 2\/3rds of levain and leave 10 grams for refreshing your dough that resides in the fridge. So after I do the first double batch, I mix the 2\/3rds recipe and place in a wide mouth pint canning jar.


This is all 3 of those things. You can see how different the starter dough looks. It is much thicker which is the beauty behind this method. The density slows down the fermentation process. Aka\u2026you are less likely to ruin it \ud83d\ude09 I have left it from 1-3 weeks and it has been fine to use. I typically use it once a week. Sometimes a couple times a week. Sometimes I don\u2019t get to it for two or three weeks. And it still works! No \u201cfeeding\u201d because it is so dense and kept cool in the fridge. This is my experience with whole ground spelt. Yours may be different if you are using a different flour.<\/p>